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Máme sa parazitov báť? Parazity sú bežnou súčasťou nášho života, len sa z nich stalo do istej miery tabu. Naše telo je na život s nimi prispôsobené, ale je nutné ho pravidelne čistiť, aby nedochádzalo k ich nebezpečnému premnoženiu. Zvláštnou kapitolou sú parazity z tropických krajín.Užívanie bylín pôsobiacich proti parazitálna a snaha o očistu je zakódovaná v bunkách od našich predkov. Aj tí sa pravidelne čistili a snažili sa získať z prírody a mladých, ovocnych výhonov a bylín čo najviac látok niciach parazity, ktoré sa do tela dostali najčastejšie ústami, stravou. Vedeli, že v ich tele často prebývajú "nepozvaní hostia",...

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Pomegranate is one of the healthiest fruits on earth. Pomegranate has many incredible health benefits for your body. It is called as a divine fruit because it is the most mentioned fruit in theological books. Pomegranate has anti-oxidant, anti-viral and anti-tumor properties and is said to be a good source of vitamins, especially vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, as well as folic acid. This amazing fruit consists three times as many antioxidants as both wine or green tea. Consuming pomegranate also lowers the risk of all sorts of diseases. Following are the benefits of pomegranate:1. Protects us from...

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8 Health Benefits of PeachesPeaches are a member of the stone fruit family, along with nectarines, plums, apricots, and cherries. (Fun fact: They are also a relative of almonds!) In addition to being downright delicious, especially at their peak, peaches offer some unique health benefits. Here are eight reasons to get your fill of this gorgeous, fuzzy fruit while it's plentiful.Peaches are good for digestionOne medium peach provides nearly 10% of the daily minimum fiber target. In addition to preventing constipation and supporting good digestive health, peach fiber helps manage blood sugar levels. Peaches also contain prebiotics, which feed beneficial...

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What are almonds?Although almonds are commonly referred to as a nut, they are actually teardrop-shaped edible seeds that are the fruit of the almond tree. You can buy them shelled or blanched, which is when shelled almonds have been treated with hot water to remove the brown outer coating, leaving behind a smooth white interior.Nutritional benefits of almondsAlmonds are a high-fat food, but they are largely a monounsaturated fat which helps to protect the heart by maintaining levels of (good) HDL cholesterol versus (bad) LDL cholesterol. They are a great source of fibre and protein, and contain important nutrients including...

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For many, choosing a healthy diet is all about sacrifice: foregoing the appetizers, cutting back on carbs or saturated fat, giving up dessert. But what if there was something you really liked that turned out to be good for you? No, I’m not talking about chocolate (although in small quantities, chocolate may not be so bad!).This time it’s nuts in the news. Previous studies have found that people with higher nut consumption have improved cardiovascular risk factors and lower rates of cardiovascular disease. For example, several trials have linked nut consumption with lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. And nuts...

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